======================================== Matplotlib + Ipywidgets Interact Example ======================================== Thebe can display interactive plots using matplotlib and ipywidget's interact. Setup ===== Be sure to load require.min.js and Font Awesome 4 before any of your thebe activation code, it is required for the widget and its icons to work: .. code-block:: html Configure thebe and load it: .. code-block:: html Create a button to activate thebe: .. code-block:: html Now add code cells between these HTML tags: .. code-block:: html


.. raw:: html


Press the "Activate" button below to connect to a Jupyter server:

.. raw:: html


Here is a simple interactive sine plot example:

.. raw:: html

   %matplotlib widget
   import ipywidgets as widgets
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   import numpy as np

   x = np.linspace(0,10)

   def sine_func(x, w, amp):
       return amp*np.sin(w*x)

   @widgets.interact(w=(0, 4, 0.25), amp=(0, 4, .1))
   def update(w = 1, amp = 1):
       plt.ylim(-4, 4)
       plt.plot(x, sine_func(x, w, amp))